Teleski the Albufeira do Ermal

Situado na Albufeira do Ermal (It is. Marta - Rossas) and about 6 km from the county seat, The teleski is a predominantly metallic structure, formed by a cable on four masts and provided with an electric motor, allowing the traction of a diverse set of skiers, through the perimeter established by the four-masted.
The skier has at its disposal a wide range of skis, thus being able to ski in: mono-ski ; bípede-ski ; or ski with board, as well as all the safety equipment required for this sport, there is also a boat for transportation of people who may fall along the way.
It is the speed factor is the exciting aspect of this fun, It is providing a close feel of water skiing driven by a separate boat.
No single country, It is characterized mainly by its innovative and ecological character.
It arose from the need to enrich the tourist offer with animation exemplary equipment. Along the teleski runway there is a very crowded bathing area in the summer, as well as a snack bar, a restaurant and a basic support structure for bathers and tourists.
Source: (Cabeceiras de Basto, 2016); (ErmalPark, 2016)